
  • Yahoo Firing 500 Under-performing Employees
    Yahoo is all set to send home its 500 under-performing employees. According to All Things D’s Kara Swisher reports, the company’s CEOMarissa Mayer has begun the lay off. The report says that the CEO is planning to send home any one who is rated as either ‘misses or occasionally misses’  at least twice in the ...
  • Vodafone Slashed Data Rates by up to 80% Across the Country
    Vodafone brings happy news for its customers across India-a slashed 2G and 3G data rates by up to 80%. The new rates will come in effect from today onwards. The company had already in June offered slashed data rates in UP West and Madhya Pradesh , Karnataka and Chhattisgarh circles.  And also there are are ...
  • Google Nexus 5 is Getting Launched Shortly
    Google is planning to release its new phone Nexus 5 this month. It is rumoured that  on October 14, Google and Nestle may conduct a joint conference to release the  Android version 4.4 named Kit-Kit. The phone is supposed to hit market one week after the launch.  Like every other Nexus phones, this one can be also ...
  • What does US Shut Down Mean
    The shut down in the US does not really mean US has stopped all the economic and social welfare activities. It is only a partial shut down and a temporary suspension of non  essential government services . It has been 17 years since the last shut down and it is estimated that around 800,000 federal workers will ...
  • Linux Hosting Price Slashed
    If you looking for unlimited linux hosting plan, we have the solution. Normal Linux Hosting ,Price Slashed Rs 300/year250Mb- Rs 500/year500Mb- Rs 600/yearOne GB-Rs 1000/yearTwo GB-Rs 1500/yearFive GB-Rs 2000/yearUnlimited-3000/year
  • What is the Best Time to Post on Social Media?
    Well, all of us post personal updates and share our blogs or other’s blog on social media network sites. But most of us do it at our our own pace. May be that’s why your last post does not bring enough comments, shares and likes. Yes, we are talking about post timing on social media ...
  • Nano automatic version next year
    As per The Hindu report, tata will launch automatic Nano soon. Car Dekho says, this model targetting Indonesian buyers.
  • Pay Per Gaze-What is Google up to?
    There is going to be a time when the usage pay per click is all out of fashion and pay per gaze is the new trend. Yes, we are talking about Google Glass, the latest innovation from Google that is all set to hit the market by 2014. With the Glass , Google has also obtained ...
  • Google also changing its logo?
    Latest version of Chrome beta, google did a little changes of its own logo. Shadows are gone, its flat now. May be yahoo and bing logo changes inspired google. But one expert saying, google will not change the logo now. Its may accidently added to chrome.
  • Now Aircel Subsribers can read books
    Aircel launched an e-book store named book mate. Through this subsribers can read books, magazines. This app available in google play store. First stage Aircel introduced android application only. Ipad and Iphone app on the way.   For activating this service needs to have an Aircel number. Its in paid subscription format. Main attraction is the comics, chandamama, ...

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