WordPress is a popular platform that supports a large number of online websites. While the platform comes with a lot of powerful features, it is not entirely free from drawbacks. One of its drawbacks is that it is usually very slow. This weakness of the platform can be detrimental for the websites that run on it. The good news is that this drawback can be fixed. Let us check out a few ways to speed up WordPress.
Select a good host. Try to avoid shared hosts as they are known for incredibly slow speed and frequent down time during high traffic hours.
Begin with a solid framework/theme. Light frameworks often result in fast page loads.
Try image optimization to speed up your WordPress site. You can use one of the free plugins available online that automatically reduces the image size without compromising on quality.
Take care to optimize your homepage. Using excerpts instead of full posts, reducing the number of posts on homepage, removing inactive widgets and plugins, etc. are a few ways to ensure quick load time of your homepage.
Keep a tap on the amount of post revisions stored on your site. One of the features of WordPress is that it stores all of your drafts. Once you publish your post, remove the drafts or use a plugin to control the number of post revisions.
Try these effective ways to speed up your WordPress site and see the results.