Temporary Solution for Janayugom’s Layoff Issue

janayugomJanayugom, the Communist party’s official newspaper has put an end to the layoff issues. The newspaper is owned by CPI, a party that always stood firmly for the needs of laborers.  The trade union wing of CPI, AITUC has many times took stern stands against managements that did not give a heed to the right of their employees. A newspaper that is owned by a party with such a legacy posing illegal threat to its employees looks like an irony.

Since its inception the newspaper has been taking employees on a contract basis and recently when complaints arouse,  Janayugom made a few employees permanent. It is said that the newspaper is forcing its employees to enter in contracts that are not in line with the labor law of the country. However, according to the recent reports, dude to the intervention of Newspaper Employees Union, Janayugom withdrew its layoff threats and promised to solve the issue by the end of  November.

To study the problem of employees a committee is also formed which include K.P Rajendran, Adv. D.B Binu and P Raju. The Newspaper Employees Union welcomed the decision and the employees are of the opinion that its is a temporary solution and they are looking forward to a permanent one.